branding video

Video Integration in Digital Marketing Part 2

Second half of Savvy’s two-part blog series about how video integration in marketing enhances companies marketing effectiveness and why video is needed now more than ever to promote a brand or product. Here are the second five reasons why a company should invest in video content. These are the last five reasons why Savvy believes it is imperative to integrate video content into digital marketing such as social media and blog posts. When looking to higher a production company/ video experts, consider Savvy Production; Savvy has expertise in every aspect in production from script writing to editing.

6. Stronger Customer Attention

With customers limited attention spans, creative marketing strategies are tricky than ever. The goal is to capture and keep the audience's attention. Some people may say there is a “content overload” these days, which may be true, so it's up to the marketer to take the audience's attention from another piece of content onto your own and video can do just that. Video is currently the most effective technology and strategy to convey a message is this fast-paced and technology driven era.

7. More Video- Favored Technology

With the increase consumption of video and the resulting rise in production, it’s no wonder social media sites like Facebook or Instagram have begun integrating auto-play in their video based content. Meaning, as you scroll through your newsfeed and come across a post with video, it will start to play without any prompt from the user. A moving image is proven to catch the attention of a viewer more so than a still image. It’s hard to argue that a status update or a link to a website will catch the viewers attention like a video will. When posting video content on your website, social media page or in an email campaign, consider enabling “auto-play”.

8. Higher Retention Rates

These days people's attention spans are shorter and shorter; unlike text-based content, 65% of viewers watch three fourths of videos. If you can manage to get the point of your message across in the first half of your video, the viewer is more likely to retain your marketing message.

9. Rise in Accessibility

When video production first started it was expensive, time consuming and people knew little about the production process. More recently, video can be produced quicker and with less technical hurdles, thanks to evolving technology and accessible knowledge in the subject. Savvy Production LLC can help you make a quick and relatively inexpensive video for your upcoming marketing campaign or launch of a new website!

10. Increased Customer Conversions

Last, but maybe most importantly, video content in marketing converts more customers than any other type of marketing. 71% of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other marketing content. Its as simple as that.